Truck Inn TWO the Anniversary Celebration at the Swamp Rabbit Inn!


On June 14, 2014 The Swamp Rabbit Inn opened its shiny, refurbished doors to its first guests.  Over the past two years the Inn has welcomed hundreds of visitors to enjoy Greenville.  This Tuesday, June 14, 2016, we will be celebrating the 2 year anniversary at  Truck Inn Tuesday and hope you can join us!

It seems like forever ago since I heard the hammers at 1 Logan Street begin to transform the sleepy office building into the beloved West End hub of activity that it now is.


There was a lot to be done to outfit the six guest rooms in IKEA style, with embellishments and amenities!

When the place was as polished as can be the word went out and the guests came to see!  The greatest joy over the last two years has been hosting the interesting people who have stayed here and shared a little of their lives with us.  It's been a blast, really, and NEVER a dull moment.

One of the first groups to give us a try were Velo Girl Rides on their Cycle to Farm Tour.


Since then we've hosted holiday traditions and reunions.


Wedding parties and Barchelor/Bachelorette Parties.


Rides - so many Rides!


And just plain parties!  We love parties!

Our guests began showing the love on our chalkboard walls!


The Bike Shed!


We opened a little place we call the Bike Shed.

We started our own Tuesday morning Latte Rides.


Got into some gardening.

We've hosted artists, musicians, poets and chefs - lots of chefs!

chefs and AJ


Kathleen King



Initiated some annual events like the Holiday Hoppenings!

Truck Inn Tuesday at the Swamp Rabbit Inn

And of course the enormously popular Truck Inn Tuesday!  Which we want you to come to this Tuesday and celebrate the anniversary with us!


In December of that first year we were thrilled to receive a 2014 GGAR Revitalization Award for the Swamp Rabbit Inn in downtown Greenville, SC.

Trip advisor made us a top rated B&B.  And we got listed for wedding accommodations on The Knot.

A lot of articles were written.  A lot.


Travel writers like Travels with Darley  and Bikabout came, and rode, and wrote, and made videos.

Meanwhile, Innkeeper Wendy Lynam, was a busy bee opening other properties to welcome all manner of travelers to Greenville...

new kit

It's been a jam-packed two years already and I haven't even gotten to the animals - the rooster, the chickens, the dog Halloween Costume Contest...!  Please stay tuned, or better yet, bike on over and check us out.  Or, check Inn!  (see what I did there)

This history making is only just beginning.  To be continued...

Meet Percy the Swamp Rabbit of the Swamp Rabbit Inn